
Code of Conduct

« Compliance with the law and doing business with integrity are not optional; they are crucial as a basis for trust, which is at the heart of what we do.   » Philippe Amon, Chairman and CEO

As a global company operating in a challenging world, our behaviors and the way we do business are always based on SICPA values and our mission to Enable Trust.

The SICPA Code of Conduct contains the guiding principles for our standards of business conduct based on those values as well as our commitments to the UN Global Compact and to our people, customers, business partners, and communities. 

This Code of Conduct is a guide for everything we do because tomorrow, just as today, only performance with integrity will let us achieve our targets and sustain this success for all of our stakeholders. 

The Code applies to SICPA and its subsidiaries and is available in several languages.
Please follow the link below to read or download a copy of the SICPA Code of Conduct.


Please follow the link below to read or download a copy of the SICPA Code of Conduct.

SICPA Code of Conduct (EN)

The SICPA Code of Conduct contains the guiding principles for our standards of business conduct based on those values as well as our commitments to the UN Global Compact and to our people, customers, business partners and communities. 

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Code de Conduite de SICPA (FR)

Le Code de Conduite de SICPA contient les principes directeurs de nos normes de conduite des affaires basées sur ces valeurs ainsi que sur nos engagements envers le Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies, notre personnel, nos clients, nos partenaires commerciaux et nos communautés.

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SICPA Código de Conducta (ES)

El Código de Conducta de SICPA contiene los principios rectores de nuestras normas de conducta empresarial basadas en esos valores, así como nuestros compromisos con el Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas y con nuestros equipos, clientes, socios comerciales y comunidades.

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Código de Conduta da SICPA (PT)

O Código de Conduta da SICPA contém os princípios orientadores para nossos padrões de conduta comercial com base nesses valores, bem como nossos compromissos com o Pacto Global da ONU e com nosso pessoal, clientes, parceiros comerciais e comunidades.

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SICPA ميثاق السلوك المهني (AE)

وتحتوي مدونة قواعد السلوك الخاصة بالمجلس الدولي للمحاسبين القانونيين SICPA على المبادئ التوجيهية لمعايير سلوكيات العمل لدينا استناداً إلى تلك القيم، بالإضافة إلى التزاماتنا تجاه الاتفاق العالمي للأمم المتحدة وموظفينا وعملائنا وشركائنا في العمل ومجتمعاتنا.

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Kodi i Sjelljes SICPA (AL)

Kodi i Sjelljes SICPA përfshin këto vlera, si dhe parime udhëzuese për standardet tona të sjelljes së biznesit, të cilat bazohen në Kompaktin Global të OKB-së dhe angazhimet tona ndaj punonjësve, klientëve, partnerëve të biznesit dhe komuniteteve tona.

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SICPA 行为准则 (CN)


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Kode Etik SICPA (ID)

Kode Etik SICPA berisi prinsip-prinsip panduan untuk standar perilaku bisnis kami berdasarkan nilai-nilai tersebut serta komitmen kami terhadap UN Global Compact dan komitmen kami terhadap karyawan, pelanggan, mitra bisnis, dan masyarakat.

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SICPA Codice di Condotta (IT)

Il Codice di Condotta SICPA contiene i principi guida dei nostri standard di condotta aziendale, basati su questi valori e sugli impegni assunti nei confronti del Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite e delle nostre persone, clienti, partner commerciali e comunità.

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Tatakelakuan SICPA (MY)

Tatakelakuan SICPA merangkumi nilai-nilai ini, serta prinsip panduan untuk piawaian kelakuan perniagaan kami, yang berdasarkan UN Global Compact dan komitmen kami kepada pekerja, pelanggan, rakan kongsi perniagaan dan komuniti kami.

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SICPA Davranış Kuralları (TR)

SICPA Davranış Kuralları, bu değerlerin yanı sıra BM Küresel İlkeler Sözleşmesi'ne ve çalışanlarımıza, müşterilerimize, iş ortaklarımıza ve topluluklarımıza olan taahhütlerimize dayanan iş davranış standartlarımız için yol gösterici ilkeleri içerir.

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In the complex world in which we operate, our values are our people’s compass. They are fundamental to who we are and what we stand for, and they help us act in a way that is consistent with our common culture.
Social Responsibility
SICPA is committed to making a positive social impact in the communities in which it operates and to ensuring the well-being and safety of its employees.