Brazil Leniency Agreement
On June 7 2021, SICPA do Brasil e Indústria de Tintas e Sistemas Ltda. (“SICPA Brasil”) and Ceptis Indústria e Comércio de Tintas e Sistemas S.A. (“CEPTIS”) have entered into a Leniency Agreement with Brazil’s Office of the Comptroller-General (“CGU”) and Attorney General’s Office (“AGU”).
As part of the Leniency Agreement, SICPA Brasil has agreed to pay R$ 762,736,310.10 (approximately MCHF 135) in fines and restitution, in 21 instalments over a 20-year period.
SICPA acknowledged its strict liability for irregularities in relation to certain payments but did not make any admissions that the contracts at issue (SICOBE I + II) were obtained fraudulently. Under the “strict liability” concept, the mere fact that the payments occurred led to the obligation for SICPA to pay a fine and restitute a portion of its profits under the SICOBE contracts. However, no involvement, knowledge or intent by SICPA regarding these payments made in Brazil was established.
SICPA Brazil and CEPTIS have agreed to continue to cooperate with the CGU and the AGU in connection with the relevant facts, pursuant to the terms of the Leniency Agreement.
Specifically, SICPA Brazil and CEPTIS have agreed to work with the CGU to strengthen their compliance programs.
SICPA is pleased to have resolved these issues which are based on events that occurred a number of years ago and remains committed to doing business ethically.