
In Togo, SICPA plants 3,000 seedlings to contribute to the reforestation of the country

As part of the National Tree Day, celebrated on June 1st in Togo, SICPA is launching an action of reforestation of an area of five hectares by planting three thousand seedlings. This action is in line with Togo's national reforestation policy as well as SICPA's sustainable development and environmental protection policy. These two key pillars are at the heart of the company's business strategy and operations.


Alongside SICPA employees, the local population, as well as the administrative and traditional authorities of the area, also participated in the planting of the seedlings. In order to mobilise the whole community around the reforestation operation, several awareness campaigns were conducted from 27 to 30 May. During these various campaigns, adults and children were made aware of the fight against climate change and the need to protect the environment.


SICPA is committed to continuing this action through an annual follow-up. The 3000 plants of Terminalia superba, Cola gigantea and Kahya will be monitored and maintained over the next three years with the technical support of the Togolese Association for Nature Conservation, Agbo Zegue. 


SICPA has been providing secure fiscal marking of consumer products subject to excise duties with the Solution automatisée de marquage (SAM) since 2020 in Togo. This solution, which combines physical and digital security features, aims to fight against illicit trade and to protect citizens against counterfeit products.  
