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SICPA has presented its 2023 Sustainability Report

Focusing on our top 10 ESG priorities linked to the United Nations SDGs, we are pleased to present our 2023 Sustainability Report which demonstrates SICPA’s ongoing commitment to embedding sustainability at the heart of our business on a daily basis in all departments and geographies.


« As the effects of climate change remind us almost every day, the need for sustainable business practices has become more important than ever in today’s world, where environmental issues and the general health of people and our planet Earth are of paramount concern. » Philippe Amon - Chairman and CEO
Sustainability report key achievement

Some key achievements, in our commitment to carbon neutrality by the end of 2035, and aiming to achieve net zero by the end of 2050 :


For the second year in a row SICPA achieved the reduction of its carbon footprint  & improved the sustainability of our products:


  • Company-wide carbon footprint: Total emissions amounted to 105,510 t CO2e.
  • Local Sourcing: By sourcing raw materials locally, we minimise transportation emissions.
  • Sustainable Materials: Our offset inks are now 100% cobalt-free

More information about these actions





Through the installation of renewable energy systems, we increased our renewable electricity production by 163%:


  • 1,086 MWh solar energy produced in our facilities worldwide in 2023

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In 2023, SICPA contributed to 109 CSR projects in its countries of operation. 

More information about these projects