
Switzerland, TEDxLausanne

Promoting innovative ideas 

TEDxLausanne, created in 2010, is a series of non-profit conferences that have been present for over 30 years. Their motto is "ideas worth spreading" in a wide variety of fields such as science, art, music, etc. In line with their concept, TEDx Conferences are organised worldwide by volunteers and offer more than 30,000 online event videos in 130 countries. 


For several years, SICPA has been a proud sponsor of the TEDxLausanne Conference. The 2019 edition of the TEDxLausanne took the participants beyond the limits to redefine what is possible. Rapid societal changes, scientific and technological breakthroughs have redefined what is possible for humanity. The series of lectures helped to understand those limits to transcend them. 


This year, SICPA also sponsored the TEDxLausanne women's event "Bold & Brilliant". This conference proposes a discussion through testimonies of dynamic and ambitious women who are transforming our world today.